Effort Rupture of Esophagus: One Case

  • Un Song Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA.
  • Hyon-Jong Kim Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pyongyang General Hospital, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA.
  • Yong-Jin Ryu Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA.
  • Ki-Yong Ri Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA.
  • Song-Rim Pak Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA
  • Kyong-Su O Breast Oncology Institute, Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA.
Keywords: Effort ruptures of the esophagus, Boerhaave's syndrome, Conservative treatment, Conventional treatment.


Effort rupture of the esophagus (Boerhaave's syndrome) is a spontaneous perforation of the esophagus that is most commonly results from a sudden increase in intra-esophageal pressure combined with negative intra-thoracic pressure caused by several causes. The patient was a 42 years old man with a major complaint of epigastric pain and fever after drinking 500 mL of 25% alcohol. An emergency laparotomy was performed under the diagnosis of gastric perforation, but the abdomen was immediately closed because of the absence of abnormalities. A fever of 38.6ºC and a dyspnea was found after 18 hr of lapse, a pleural drainage tube was performed after the test puncture, which showed the black-brown sticking pus. This patient was resuscitated by conservative treatment such as infusion, blood transfusion, and gastrostomy.

Contrast radiography shows contrast outflow from the lower esophageal region to the left.
How to Cite
Song, U., Kim, H.-J., Ryu, Y.-J., Ri, K.-Y., Pak, S.-R., & O, K.-S. (2023). Effort Rupture of Esophagus: One Case. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, 10(2), 63-64. https://doi.org/10.5530/ijcep.2023.10.2.16