The Birth of first JIPMER “ICSI” Baby
Assisted reproductive techniques are becoming more and more essential for human life in the Society. Worldwide more than 5 million babies were born out of this technology after the birth of first baby Louis Brown and second Durga (India) in 1978. It is a boon for the couple in despair to have a child especially when it is provided by Govt Institutions for the less affordable people of the Society. It is essential to share provider’s experiences and expectations of the public in a fast growing biomedical field like ART. The techniques of IVF and ICSI have undergone a sea change since the initial technique of natural cycles to ovarian hyper stimulation and stem cell research. A 29 year old lady, Type I Diabetic with hirsutism, PCOS, failed IUI underwent ICSI following ovarian stimulation employing antagonist protocol after 8 years of married life. The husband is also diabetic for 13 years and suffered from post-polio residual paralysis and had asthenospermia. Frozen Embryo transfer of cleavage stage embryos was done on 31.7.2019 after endometrial preparation employing HRT. Her β HCG was HCG 387 on 14.8.2019 and intrauterine pregnancy was confirmed by transvaginal scan. Pregnancy and Diabetes were managed with progesterone support and Insulin therapy respectively. An alive male baby was delivered by emergency Caesarean section on 28.3.2020 at 12.34 PM for breech presentation in labour during lockdown for COVID 19. Both mother and baby were discharged home in healthy condition and the baby is one year old at the time of writing this report.

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