Comparative Study of Sensory Nerve-conduction Velocity in Right and Left Handed Human Subjects: A Cross Sectional Study
Background and Objectives: Nerve conduction study is a part of electro-diagnostic procedures that help in establishing the type and extent of the abnormality of the nerves. The nerve conduction velocity depends upon age, weight, height, sex, temperature and parameters like nerve diameter and myelination. The aim of this study is to compare the sensory nerve conduction velocity between left-handed and right-handed subjects using median nerve and ulnar nerve to find out whether there is any difference in sensory nerve conduction velocity with handedness. Methods: The study was conducted on 25 right-handed and 25 left-handed healthy medical students of age 17 to 20 year with permission from Institutional Human Ethics committee. Sensory nerve conduction velocity of the median and the ulnar nerves in the left and right upper limbs were be compared between rights handed subjects and left-handed subjects. Unpaired t- test was used to comparison of two groups. P value less than 0.05 will be considered as significant. Results: Sensory nerve conduction of right median, left median and left ulnar nerve were insignificantly higher in left-handed subjects compared to right-handed subjects. Sensory nerve conduction of right ulnar nerve was significantly higher in left-handed subjects compared to right-handed subjects. Conclusion: The study concludes that the sensory nerve conduction velocities are higher in left handers, which could be because of genetic reasons contributing to functional differences during growth in early childhood.

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