Glycemic load is critical for development of diabetes mellitus

  • Gopal Krushna Pal Editor‑in‑Chief, IJCEP, Department of Physiology, JIPMER, Puducherry ‑ 605 006, India.
Keywords: Nil


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common chronic metabolic and endocrine disorder in India and in other developing and developed nations.[1] In India, one in three in urban population and one in five in rural population are found to have latent (glucose intolerance) or frank DM.[2,3] Moreover, the prevalence trend is steadily rising worldwide. The reason for increasing trend in diabetes prevalence, especially in type 2 DM, can be attributed to a change in lifestyle favoring towards excess calorie intake, sedentary life, increased work stress, etc., and the genetic predisposition, which are among the major contributors. Diabetes is usually treated by insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents.[4] However, lifestyle modification through the practice of regular exercise, relaxation of body‑mind, and proper nutrition improves the condition to a greater extent and plays an important role in the long‑term treatment of DM. Nevertheless, planning and achieving a proper diet for diabetic patients is the mainstay in clinical strategy in the diabetic management. [5]Read more...

How to Cite
Pal, G. K. (2016). Glycemic load is critical for development of diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, 3(4), 153-154. Retrieved from