Fingerprint Pattern and Blood Groups in Twins

  • Ganesh Shenoy Panchmal Department of Public Health Dentistry, Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
  • Fawaz Pullishery Department of Community Dental Health, Batterjee Medical College, Jeddah 23819, 3Department of Oral Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • Sabin Siddique 2Department of Public Health Dentistry, MES Dental College, Malappuram, Kerala, India
  • Vanishree Shirodian Department of Public Health Dentistry, Yenepoya Dental College, Mangalore, Karnataka India
  • Vardharaj Venkat Ramaiah Department of Oral Health, Qassim University, Al‑Rass 5192, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Dermatoglyphics, Genetics, Twins


Background and Aim: Inherent genetic diversity and other random processes that affect growing embryo are the main factors responsible for the distinguishing nature of physical characteristics of a person. The focus of this study is to quantitatively determine the similarity of fingerprint pattern and blood groups in identical twins as well as in nonidentical twins. Methods: A total of 24 pairs of identical twins and 33 pairs of nonidentical twins were selected for the study. The fingerprints of the thumb, index, middle, ring, and little fingers of both hands of 57 pairs of twins were scanned. Due to differences in paper quality and degradation of the print over time, several of these fingerprints are of poor quality, and we selected only 51 pairs. The blood groups of the study population were identified using ABO System of Blood Grouping. Results: The results showed that “Arch” type was the most common type of fingerprint pattern present in both identical (42.04%) and nonidentical twins (53.10%). The Loop type was 26.59% and 22.24% in identical and nonidentical twins, respectively. Conclusion: All the identical twins shared the same blood group as their respective cotwin except one pair where they had a different type of B+ and O+. The similarity in fingerprint pattern among identical twins were very high than nonidentical twins, and it was statistically significant. Rh+ blood type was the common blood group in twins than Rh−.

How to Cite
Panchmal, G. S., Pullishery, F., Siddique, S., Shirodian, V., & Ramaiah, V. V. (2017). Fingerprint Pattern and Blood Groups in Twins. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Physiology, 4(4), 207-210. Retrieved from